2021-22 Sem 1 Project 5: Analog Music Synthesizer

Expected project duration: 3 weeks (6 lab sessions)

At the end of this project you should be able to:

  • Build an voltage oscillator circuit on a breadboard using an opamp.
  • Use an oscilloscope to debug and test your oscillator circuit.
  • Adapt the oscillator circuit to produce musical sounds from a loudspeaker.

This project comprises two parts:

  1. Individual element: Initially, you will build and test a relaxation oscillator circuit on your breadboard (circuit diagram provided below). You will submit evidence of your working circuit in Brightspace (provisional deadline Wed 1 Dec 2021).
  2. Team element: You will work with your teammates to develop an analog music synthesizer that you will use to perform a piece of music for a competition in the final week of the semester (week beginning Mon 13th Dec).

Further details about both elements of the project will be provided in class and this post will be updated in the coming days with details about what evidence you will need to submit.

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