Example calculation for power factor compensation capacitor

% pfc.m - power factor correction example for EEPP
% Written by Ted Burke - last updated 21-3-2018

% frequency
f = 50
w = 2*pi*f

% Load elements
R = 800
L = 2

% Reactance and impedance of inductor
XL = w*L
ZL = j*XL

% Calculatye capacitor, capicitor reactance, capacitor impedance
C = L/(R^2 + (w*L)^2)
XC = -1/(w*C)
ZC = j*XC

% Check the C value compensates the load
Zload = R + ZL
Zcomp = (Zload * ZC)/(Zload + ZC)

% Permittivity of vacuum and relative permittivity of polyethylene
eps0 = 8.854e-12
epsr = 2.25

% Thickness of plastic wrap (cling film) according to Wikipedia
d = 12.5e-6

% Required area of capacitor when flat (less required if rolled)
A = (d*C)/(eps0*epsr)