Whiteboard photos from pre-exam tutorial 8-5-2015

During yesterday’s tutorial, I did my best to snap a picture each time I was about to wipe the whiteboard. I probably didn’t capture everything, but if you couldn’t make it to the tutorial, the following photos will give you a general idea about what we covered:

NOTE: In question 17 on phasors, I forgot to mention in the question that the frequency is 50 Hz. You need to know the frequency to write the mathematical expressions for vr(t) and vc(t).

I also just noticed that I mixed up the numbering when I was writing out the tutorial questions. I accidentally numbered two questions as Q15 and two questions as Q16. The first Q15 and Q16 are on DC circuit analysis. The second Q15 and Q16 are on phasors. The Q15 in the whiteboard photos above is the one on phasors.

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